Third-year agronomy student Marie Fedia Louisius isn’t letting obstacles stand in the way of her agricultural work.
Marie is one of Hope for Haiti’s 50 active college scholarship students in Les Cayes, Haiti. During one of the students’ regular meetings with Hope for Haiti Scholarship Program Coordinator Pierre Junior Cornelien (“Junior”), he spoke to the students about starting gardens where possible as eventual food sources.
“We suggested that agronomy students take the initiative,” said Junior. “We showed them that time and space are not obstacles.”
A few weeks later, Junior and Hope for Haiti Photographer Magdie Saintil joined Marie on the roof of her home, which was covered in beautiful plants and vegetables in various containers.
“[Marie] used the roof of her small house to create a vegetable garden. She has peppers, cabbages, spinach, tomatoes, and chilies,” said Junior. He continued, “Magdie and I were amazed at how she used the roof of her little house to create this garden. We have other young agronomy students who have joined forces to cultivate a portion of land. I’m teaching them to combine entrepreneurship with their studies.”
To learn more about our Education program, including the JoAnne and Carl Kuehner Sr. Scholarship Fund, click here. To learn more about our Economic Development program, including our school garden initiatives, click here.