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Gift-In-Kind Program

Gifts-In-Kind (GIK) are a vital part of our work. This is a type of donation that is in the form of a tangible item rather than a monetary donation.


in medical supplies, medication, and personal protective equipment (PPE) distributed to the most vulnerable patients for free, as well as 67 healthcare partners in southern Haiti through our Gift-In-Kind program.

The goal of Hope for Haiti’s Gift-in-Kind program is to support our Healthcare programs and strengthen the existing supply chain of medications, medical supplies, and biomedical equipment available in Haiti. Hope for Haiti has established partnerships with 67 GIK partners throughout our more than 36 years working in southern Haiti, which provides healthcare to over 1 million patients per year.

Hope for Haiti is mindful to not accept items that will undermine the local economy, but rather, only accepts what will strengthen and make available critical medical supplies, especially in the wake of a disaster.

Some of Our Partners

More About Our Robust GIK Program

Through the course of our work in education, we realized that access to properly equipped clinics and medical facilities in Haiti was scarce and those that did exist were severely limited by a lack of materials, medications, and appropriately paid staff. Even if patients are diagnosed with chronic illnesses, most of them are unable to afford the medication needed to treat the disease, and with virtually no government funding for the healthcare system, there is no social safety net to assist them with those costs. That’s why it’s so important that we’re not only able to treat patients, but also provide them with the medications they need to get healthy.

In response to the great need that existed, we began procuring medications and medical supplies and transporting them to Haiti where they could be used to benefit the people who needed them most. Our ability to obtain these medications has allowed us to tackle some of the most challenging health issues in Haiti like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, cholera, and malaria. Your support will allow us to increase our efforts to support those who have other underlying health issues.

How Can I Help?

If you are representing a company or organization that would like to become part of our Gift-In-Kind program, please contact Gift-In-Kind Director Yvette Ebb.

Hope for Haiti does not accept clothing, household items, technology items, food, school supplies, books, toys, dolls, and other non-medical items, as all of these items are more cost-effective to procure in Haiti. However, there are still many ways to support our mission. See how here!

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