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Making High-Quality Education Accessible
and Building Child-Friendly Schools

Schools in Haiti face challenges in funding, teacher training, and student achievement, leading to the majority of Haitian children lacking access to quality education. These challenges make it exponentially more difficult for generations of Haitian children to break out of the cycle of poverty and achieve economic and social progress. For more than 35 years, Hope for Haiti has collaborated with communities and education professionals to improve access to high-quality education resources. Here is a summary of the impact made possible through your support in fiscal year 2023:


Students received an education at our 24 partner schools


College scholarships provided to graduates of partner schools, 64% of which were provided to female students


Primary- and secondary-school teachers supported through programming such as direct cash transfers for salary support and teacher training


Classroom blocks constructed

Education Creates Pathways to Success

Hope for Haiti’s Education team works with 31 partner communities to build and restore safe, child-friendly schools, provides ongoing professional development and training for educators, supports schools in their purchases of local back-to-school supplies and classroom materials, provides scholarships for higher education, and collaborates with our Public Health team to lead health and safety sessions for students.

Support Our Education Program

"Hope for Haiti promised to help us rebuild the school, and they did it! By destroying our school, the earthquake destroyed our hope, but Hope for Haiti gave us back that hope. This is such a nice school! It's bigger and better than we expected: seven spacious and beautiful classrooms, a sanitation block and administrative space, electricity and running water, an access road and renovated playground. We couldn't ask for more! Mèsi anpil Hope for Haiti! You will always be remembered in Baradères for having given back hope when hope was lost.”

- Sister Marie Violette Polynice, Baradères School Director

Education Program Initiatives

Classrooms & Infrastructure

In a region prone to earthquakes and hurricanes, Hope for Haiti works with its 31 partner schools to build safe and sturdy school buildings and rebuild/repair those damaged after natural disasters. Schools built to Hope for Haiti’s standards provide child-friendly learning environments and access to hygienic sanitation blocks.

Support Our Education Program

The JoAnne and Carl Kuehner Sr. Scholarship Fund

Started by Hope for Haiti’s founder, JoAnne Kuehner, and her husband Carl, our scholarship fund provides tuition for 50 students in Haiti to attend a college, university, or trade school of their choice. Admission to the scholarship fund is based on student need and academic merit.

Support Our Education Program

Teacher Training & Salary Subsidies

Our Education team provides continuous professional development and training for school directors and teachers that addresses school governance, pedagogical practices, childand subject area skills. Teachers in the first through third grades received a three-day training designed to improve third-grade reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Pre- and post-training assessments of teachers demonstrated significant knowledge gain. (Scores progressed from an average of 30% pre-training to more than 87% following training.) Additionally, Hope for Haiti provides teacher salary subsidies to school directors and teachers in our 31 partner communities to ensure education professionals are adequately compensated for their work.

Support Our Education Program

School Gardens

As part of our Economic Development Program, Hope for Haiti supports interactive school gardens to teach students about improved agricultural techniques, reforestation, and nutrition. Fruit and vegetables grown at each garden goes to support school lunch programs.

Learn More About Our Economic Development Program

Public Health Education for Students

As part of our Healthcare Program, our Public Health team collaborates with the Education team and school leaders to administers health lessons to more than 7,000 students to help control and prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Learn More Our Healthcare Program

More About Our Education Initiatives

Our team of curriculum specialists, education professionals, and infrastructure personnel help us create pathways to a better life in Haiti by making high-quality education more accessible.

Help Increase Access to Education

Because access to education is a basic human right.


Learn More About Our Work


Education is the backbone to economic and social development. See how we support students and teachers.


We believe healthcare is a human right, so we’re doing everything we can to make it more accessible in southern Haiti.

Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Investing in smart water, sanitation, and hygiene programs reduces poverty.

Economic Development

Intelligence and ability are equally distributed throughout the world, but access to economic opportunity is not. We’re working to change that in Haiti.

Learn More About Hope For Haiti

Annual Report

See this year’s impact in Haiti.

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Mission / About

There is always Hope for Haiti.

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