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A Gift-In-Kind Update 2+ Years After the Haiti Earthquake

By October 15, 2023September 25th, 2024No Comments

The following is an update directly from Hope for Haiti’s Gift In-Kind Director, Yvette Ebb, who has been part of the Hope for Haiti team for more than 14 years.

Gifts-In-Kind (GIK) are a vital part of our work. This is a type of donation in the form of a tangible item rather than a monetary donation, which can become even more beneficial in the wake of a natural disaster.

In the immediate aftermath of the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that affected our program area in southern Haiti in 2021, our Gift-In-Kind program secured $32.5 million of critical medical and relief supplies to support earthquake victims. These supplies included:

  • 25,000 tarps and 100 tents for emergency shelters
  • 8,500+ emergency kits
  • Nearly 30,000 water filtration systems

As of today, our team has secured gifts-in-kind valued at more than $66.4 million since the earthquake from our trusted partners at Americares, CMMB, MAP International, MedShare, and new partners like Accesso, Amazon, GivePower, Share Hope, and World Central Kitchen. More than one million patients in southern Haiti have access to healthcare as a result of our GIK program providing healthcare professionals with the tools they need to keep people healthy. More than 247,188 pounds of critical medical and relief supplies have been distributed to over 50 healthcare facilities in Haiti.

Our organization is mindful not to accept items that will undermine the local economy, but rather, only accepts what will strengthen and make available critical medical supplies, especially in the wake of a disaster.

To discuss the GIK program, I was recently joined by Map International’s Senior Manager of Programs, Brooke Allison, on the latest episode of our web series, Collaboration In-Kind. Listen now to learn more about how our Gift In-Kind program functions and Hope for Haiti’s partnership with Map International.

Lastly, we hosted GIK Partner Meetings on August 18 and 19, virtually to discuss our processes, talk about the supply pipeline, and provide an opportunity for the partners to share challenges and network. The organizations in attendance were:

  • Healing Art Missions
  • St. Rock Foundation
  • Brigade d’intervention Médicale
  • Lanmou San Fen Sant de Sante
  • CapraCare
  • Centre Medical de CCH (Community
  • Coalition for Haiti) Jacmel
  • St. Antoine Hospital in Jeremie
  • Centre de Santé Union de Grand-Gosier (CSUG)
  • PPADA Medical Center (Jeremie)
  • Centre Sante de Fonfred
  • MotoMeds
  • Haïti Projects
  • Medical Aid to Haiti (MATH)
  • Hopital Bellevue-La-Montagne
  • Global Birthing Home
  • Foundation/Maison de Naissance
  • Hispañola Health Partners
  • Institut Brenda Strafford
  • St. Antoine Hospital
  • PPADA Medical Center
  • CHFF Foundation/Centre Hospitalier de Fontaine in Cite Soleil
  • Dispensaire de Chateau (CORRECT Health)
  • Centre de Beaulieu

Thank you for your continued support of Hope for Haiti, especially following the 2021 earthquake. You can read our complete 2021 Earthquake Response & Recovery Summary of Progress here for all the latest updates.

Together in solidarity,

Yvette Ebb
Gift In-Kind Director
Hope for Haiti

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