Partnership With The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation Featured by Charity Navigator

Renee Parsons of The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation wrote a guest blog for Charity Navigator about the foundation’s partnership with Hope for Haiti and why they’ve chosen to donate over $10 million dollars to our programs in the time since the Haiti Earthquake:

“It was Hope for Haiti’s dedication to serving the Haitian people, along with their approach of full transparency and financial accountability, that made me confident they would be a worthy partner.”

“Since the 2010 earthquake, an incredible amount of progress has been made by Hope for Haiti to increase access to education, healthcare services and clean water in the communities where they work. But there is still more to be done. That’s why we continue to provide support to Hope for Haiti.”

Hope for Haiti was also previously featured on Charity Navigator as part of their “Hot Topic” for the 10th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake, as well as one of the 10 Best Humanitarian Relief Organizations

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