Bar Tulia, Hob Nob and 7th Avenue Social Pub Crawl Through Downtown Naples Raises Money for Hope for Haiti

By: Alexi C. Cardona
NAPLES, Fla. – Packed wall-to-wall, Bar Tulia in downtown Naples was all tie-dye, signature drinks, colorful beaded necklaces and raffle prizes Saturday afternoon — and it was all for Haiti.

Posh Fifth Avenue South is a long way away from the place where 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and 54 percent live in abject poverty, according to the CIA’s World Factbook.

And that was before the 2010 earthquake.

Close to 100 people attended Hope for Haiti’s fifth annual Pub Crawl in support of the Naples nonprofit’s mission of providing clean water, education, health care, infrastructure and economic opportunities to the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

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