An Update from Hope for Haiti’s Chief Program Officer

Dear Hope for Haiti Family, Over the past month, insecurity in Port-au-Prince has reached unprecedented levels. The news stories and graphic videos all confirm the harsh reality of life in Haiti’s capital city: gang violence, food shortages, school and hospital closures, disruptions to air travel and at Haiti’s main port, and now people fleeing the […]

3 Ways We Can Support Education in Haiti During Crisis

An Update from Hope for Haiti Education Program Director, Jean Ronald Jocelyn: Dear Hope for Haiti Family, As violence and unrest mount in Haiti, living conditions for the majority of the population are deteriorating. Today, tens of thousands of children are at risk of dropping out of school, and they lack the most essential supplies and support […]

Help Us Support Families in Haiti

Dear Friend of Hope for Haiti, Over the past two weeks, Hope for Haiti and our team working in southern Haiti have been focused on planning for the worst possible outcomes caused by the most recent wave of political and civil unrest. The reality facing many Haitians today is grim: gangs control 80% of Port-au-Prince, […]

Micro-Clinics, School Canteen Program Updates, and More

Dear Hope for Haiti Family: Thank you for your continued support of our programs! Check out the latest updates from our team below. Micro-Clinics in Les Cayes Our Healthcare team has continued to serve the community, despite the obstacles that arose earlier this month. During a particularly volatile period of unrest in Les Cayes, barricades […]

The Numbers are In – 6 Months of Progress!

Dear Hope for Haiti Family: As we work to make education, healthcare, clean water/sanitation, and economic development opportunities more accessible in southern Haiti, our team is happy to share this update on the past six months of our program impact. Your continued support makes this work possible, helping to change lives every day. This is […]

Cervical Cancer Screening, Financial Literacy, and More

In our first programmatic newsletter of 2024, we’re happy to share with you the latest developments in our programs. Thank you for your support! Healthcare: A Basic Human Right January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and we kicked it off by holding a specialized training session for nurses at our Infirmary St. Etienne in Les […]

Mesi Anpil & Happy Holidays!

As the year draws to a close, we want to reflect on the profound impact your generosity has made in the lives of those we serve. Though the challenges facing Haiti persist, so does our shared commitment to building a brighter future for children, families, and communities in southern Haiti. Your generosity is a driving […]

Accountability in Action – A Look at Hope for Haiti’s MEAL Team

Resilience, empowerment, accountability, collaboration, and hope. These are the core values at Hope for Haiti that guide our team every day so we can best serve children, parents, and grandparents in rural southern Haiti. Accountability is a vital part of any organization. Because our work aims to improve lives, it’s critical to ensure our programs […]

Hope for Haiti Receives Clean Financial Audit

Dear Hope for Haiti Family, We are pleased to share with you that Hope for Haiti just received a clean financial audit from our independent auditors at CapinCrouse LLP. We believe that our ability to improve the lives of children, families, and communities in Haiti is intricately tied to our unwavering commitment to accountability, good […]

What We’ve Accomplished This Quarter With Your Support

Dear Hope for Haiti Family, Over the last three months, our team has continued its work to alleviate poverty in rural southern Haiti by taking a holistic approach. Our Education, Healthcare, WASH, and Economic Development programs work hand-in-hand to create a pathway to a better life for the children, parents, and grandparents we serve. Here […]