St. Francois de Sales

St. Francois de Sales, 2008-09 school year April 3, 2010 How do you tell the story of a school that once was, when the classrooms you’d describe no longer exist? Where do you begin to fill in the pieces? Among the rubble, between the bodies – where can we find a narrative that helps destruction […]

Berlinda Dumas, 7 Years Old

Berlinda dumas with her baby sister on march 24th|Berlinda dumas, 7 years old|Tents

Berlinda Dumas receiving care by Dr. Steeve on January 13th March 25, 2010 We started the day with some of the Hope for Haiti public health team and the Carrefour clinic staff running a mobile clinic at Camp Villa located next to the Villa Creole Hotel. The camp has a little less than 200 people […]

Workshop with Haitian Professionals Addresses Mental Health in Post-Quake Haiti

Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 1|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 3|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 2|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 1|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 2|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti 3|Workshop with haitian professionals addresses mental health in post quake haiti

      March 22, 2010 January’s earthquake did more than damage buildings, crush bodies, and destroy infrastructure-it profoundly impacted the hearts and minds of the Haitian people and drastically increased the need for mental health care and services. The New York Times last week painted a dire picture of mental health institutions in post-quake Port-au-Prince, […]

Transition Period

March 15, 2010 The long-term stabilization and re-building process is in full swing. Things have moved from managing the acute trauma to implementing long-term plans. While the tempo has not slowed it has now become a long distance race that is just as critical. In the first four weeks following the earthquake, Hope for Haiti […]

Firehouse Subs team visits Haiti

    March 10, 2010 The Firehouse Subs Company donated approximately 90,000 pounds of rice and beans to Hope for Haiti’s emergency relief effort for distribution in the first few weeks following the January 12th earthquake. The Hope for Haiti team distributed the food to the 9,000 people living within the Don Bosco internally displaced persons […]

The View from Gabion

February 15, 2010 Gabion was transformed, early on after the earthquake, from a soccer stadium to an IDP (internally displaced peoples) camp. When I think of “camps,” images of miles and miles of refugees, dirt, makeshift housing, and generally unsanitary conditions come to mind. I’ve been conditioned to associate camps with terrible living conditions. Gabion […]

As the quake hits the countryside…

February 3, 2010 “My name is Maxime Myrtil,” the young man penned delicately in my yellow notepad. “24 years old.” Halfway through his last year of high school, Maxime had been studying in Port-au-Prince when the earthquake struck. Fortunately, he told me, he escaped his crumbling school building unharmed and was able to make the […]