Public Health- Module 2 Training

Dormeille from Laporte takes her Post-Test
Dormeille from Laporte takes her Post-Test
Jude Salomon, 26, works in the mountain community of Plaçon
Jude Salomon, 26, works in the mountain community of Plaçon

February 14-15th, 2011

As is becoming tradition, Hope for Haiti’s Public Health training ended in song. The 24 Community Health Workers sang with excitement, while being led by Ms. Rachel and Ms. Pierrette, the two Public Health nurses leading the training. The song, called “Prevansyon Dyare” (Diarrhea Prevention), was improved upon even more by the accompaniment of drums played by Pierre, a Hope for Haiti Operations Officer. This was in every way a successful training.

The training began on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. All 24 Community Health Workers, representing 12 of our program partner communities, arrived eager and ready to participate in the Module 2 training. Module 2 consists of 4 themes devoted to: Healing & Preventing, Children’s Health, Diarrhea and Dehydration, and Worm Prevention. Each topic is accompanied by an activity, song, skit, or visual aid to help the Community Health Workers teach the themes to the students in their assigned schools.

During the trainings, the nurses not only teach the content of the themes and activities, but also explain thoroughly how the Community Health Workers can teach others.

Each time the Community Health Workers come together, the group’s commitment to the subjects and their work grows stronger. The energy with which they listen to and question the nurses is astounding. In addition to the lessons, the Community Health Workers all shared their experiences of both teaching in the schools and acting as a health worker for their community.

Carmene and the Public Health Nurses
Carmene and the Public Health Nurses
Learning lessons with Powerpoint
Learning lessons with Powerpoint
Listening to the Lessons
Listening to the Lessons

A perfect example of this in action was when Samuel Terasma, a Community Health Worker from Cornette, prepared Oral Rehydration Serum for a member of his community who was suffering the initial signs of cholera. Samuel was able to help his fellow community member rehydrate, and then directed him to a Cholera Treatment Center in the nearby city of Aquin.

As Hope for Haiti continues its Public Health Program, we are confident that stories like Samuel’s will continue to positively affect the lives of our partner communities. With a dedicated Haitian staff and inspired Community Health Workers, we eagerly anticipate the continued growth of knowledge and community capital that this network of dedicated, successful young Haitians represents.

Table 1 working on activities
Table 1 working on activities
Stretch Break!
Stretch Break!
Group Shot
Group Shot

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