Impact in Action: Our Response to COVID-19

Last updated: 12/16/20

Our team took great care in using lessons learned from our response during the 2010 Earthquake, Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic, and Hurricane Matthew to plan our response to the economic, social, and health impacts of COVID-19. As always, we are fundamentally committed to adhering to the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and good governance as we put our resources to use to support children, parents, and grandparents in Haiti.

Through YOUR generosity, we have made the following impact to-date: 

School Relaunch:

  • Conducted training for Community Health Workers on school COVID-19 protocol (August-September)
  • Outfitted all 24 partner schools with a no touch thermometer, pulse oximeters, hand washing stations (August-September)
  • Provided over 7,000 students and 424 teachers with a washable mask, COVID-19 hygiene kits, and COVID-19 prevention training (August-September)
  • Held teacher training for 196 teachers in our school network (November)
  • Deployed 155 computer labs (October – November)

Healthcare Program:

  • Treated 1,412 chronic care and urgent care patients at our Infirmary St. Etienne prior to the clinic reopening for general consultations (April – July)
  • Conducted 8,828 health consultations at our Infirmary St. Etienne (July – November)
  • Conducted 1,291 dental consultations (July – November)
  • Conducted 56 mobile clinics within our partner communities that treated 1,848 patients (July – November)
  • Distributed $10 million in on-hand medical supplies, medication, and PPE to the most vulnerable Haitians and 24 healthcare partners in southern Haiti with a focus on diabetes medications, blood pressure medications, and asthma medications. 
  • Distributed 50,000 surgical masks we had in stock for free to healthcare partners and students in southern Haiti.
  • Provided chronic care patients with two months of medication to minimize travel. (March to Present)
  • Distributed key nutritional supplements to over 650 participants in the Nutrilite Program  and conducted consultations  with a pediatrician.
  • Broadcasted accurate COVID-19 information to 12 radio stations in the Southern (Sud) department.
  • Distribute hygiene kits we have in stock for free to healthcare partners and students in southern Haiti.  (August)

Education Program:

  • Executed $30,000 in cash transfers to 429 teachers in Hope for Haiti’s Education network and mobilized them to share accurate prevention strategies to stop the spread of COVID-19. (May)
  • Completed a food distribution in Morency with 215 students, teachers and directors. They also received training on COVID-19 and washable masks. (May)
  • Utilized 453 teachers and school directors as town criers to spread accurate and culturally appropriate information to community members.
  • In partnership with LakouKajou, distributed digital school lessons to 453 teachers and school directors, as well as 234 parents in our 24 partner communities. (April – Present)

Water Program:

  • Distributed 11,885 Sawyer Water Filtration Systems to families in southern Haiti to promote hand washing and consumption of safe drinking water. (March – November)

Economy Program:

  • Held and broadcasted the second annual Economy Challenge entirely digitally due to social distancing requirements – the FIRST live-streamed pitch competition for female entrepreneurs in Haiti. (May)
  • Provide 150 micro grants to street vendors, farmers, and female entrepreneurs totaling $13,000 (July)
  • Provide over $33,000 in micro loans to 21 entrepreneurs (October – November)


  • Increased the solar energy capacity at our primary healthcare facility, the Infirmary St. Etienne, to provide reliable electricity for the refrigerator that stores medications, as well as the lights and fan. (April)

Your support for our short- and long-term response plan is still needed. We are facing an uncharted path ahead and are counting on you to stay with us on this journey. Your one-time or sustainable recurring gift will help make the following impact:

  1. Import and distribute $65 million in medical supplies, medication, and PPE to the most vulnerable Haitians and our 24 healthcare partners in southern Haiti with a focus on diabetes medications, blood pressure medications, and asthma medications. (2-3 Years)
  2. Provide SGBs (Small and Growing Businesses) in southern Haiti with $3-5 million in grants and loans to support their business activities. (3 years) 
  3. Work with households and farmers in rural communities in southern Haiti to plant 1 million fruit-bearing trees and school gardens to improve food security and income.  (2-3 years) 
  4. Distribute 30,000 Sawyer Water Filtration Systems to families in southern Haiti to promote hand washing and consumption of safe drinking water (3 years) 
  5. Provide $1 million in direct cash transfers and trainings to the 429 teachers in our partner school network (5 years)

Thank you very much for your unwavering support to our organization and the people of Haiti. Please be assured that despite these very challenging times, our mission, core values, and vision for Haiti will stay the same, and we will never give up on our fundamental belief in the power of hope. We look forward to working with you now and in the future to build a healthier and better world. 

100% of the funds raised will be used to support the cross-categorical response and recovery activities outlined above.

To download the COVID-19 prevention graphics in Haitian Creole that we have shared on social media, please click here. Please feel free to share with your audience, but do not edit the graphic or remove our logo. These graphics contain accurate medical guidance as of the date of original publication.

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