Thank You Note

Eglantina Zingg, Bibi Nunez, October 26th 2011

tEglantina Zingg, Bibi Nunez, October 26th 2011

Tiffany R. Keuhner
President and CEO
Hope for Haiti

Peace is more than just the absence of violence. It means realizing that if we work together our lives could be different.

Thanks to your generous collaboration and your willingness to participate in this project we were able to host “A Goal for Les Cayes”, a day of soccer and peace for the children in southern Haiti. On Saturday October 22nd we delivered soccer uniforms and sports equipment to 230 students from schools of Cavaillon. We hosted a friendly game between Haiti’s renowned youth team Shana and the local U15 team from Les Cayes. Later in the day, the United Nations Mission’s soccer team and the Presidential team played for peace and understanding.

“A Goal for Les Cayes” was an inspiring and successful experience for all of us. It would have not been possible without the help of everyone at Hope for Haiti, from the very inception of the project. It is through partnerships like this that great work for peace can get accomplished. As we gear up to continue fostering sports and soccer education in southern Haiti we hope that this experience becomes the starting point of a rewarding and continuous collaboration. From everyone at PPLA we would like to express a heartfelt thank you and extend our gratitude to all your staff.

At Project Peace Latin America we believe that fostering human values will help our children and youth develop noble personalities. We are confident that by supporting sports education we will help instill hard work, discipline and teamwork in children, with the hopes that it will in turn enable them to do great things not only for their teams but for their countries as well.

Your participation was instrumental in making this project a success, thank you for joining us and making it happen.

Eglantina Zingg
Bibi Nunez

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