With many hands, the weight of providing a quality education to Haiti’s children is a little lighter

Paula Prince, Program Assistant, July 21st 2011
On Wednesday July 20th, Hope for Haiti held its first meeting with nearly all 40 Directors of Hope for Haiti’s numerous partner schools. The ability to assemble all of these partners in a single location was a remarkable feat. This reunion allowed schools from all over the Southern Peninsula, ranging from the lush forests of Baradères, to the slums of La Savane in Les Cayes, and the crystal blue coasts of Morency, to come together and share stories of struggles and successes.

The dedication of the school directors to their mission of educating all children and the appreciation of their relationship with Hope for Haiti were apparent in the long distances that our program partners traveled to attend the meeting. Seven local directors and one regional director made the five-hour car ride down treacherous bumpy roads from the regions of Gris Gris and Cote-de-Fer just to partake.

As the directors shared their stories, the impact of Hope for Haiti on their schools and communities became strikingly apparent. Numerous directors highlighted how Hope for Haiti’s support has contributed to higher school enrollment numbers, more qualified teachers, and better school supplies and furniture. Ernst Desir, the Director of Morency Primary School, emphasized that because of Hope for Haiti’s Back to School Fund, he was able to put a teacher’s desk in every classroom. He also enthusiastically shared the outcome of the Dawill Book Share Project, claiming, “Every student in every class now has five books!”

School Directors from various locations sit to discuss successes and challenges of last school year
School Directors from various locations sit to discuss successes and challenges of last school year
Program Director, Patrick Eucalitto, sitting with School Directors from varying regions in the focus group session
Program Director, Patrick Eucalitto, sitting with School Directors from varying regions in the focus group session

After breaking down into smaller focus groups, the school directors were able to share strategies on how to better deal with their day-to-day struggles; challenges that, as the meeting proved, are oftentimes shared across geographic divides. From parents’ inability to pay school fees and the need for Cholera prevention in school communities to the task of improving Parent Teacher Associations, the Directors shared strategies, took notes, and accessed and exchanged new information and ideas.

Wednesday’s meeting served as a testament to the power of assembly. Hope for Haiti is proud to have been the facilitator for such a supportive gathering of dedicated individuals all working toward the goal of ensuring that all of Haiti’s children receive a quality education. As the Haitian proverb explains, “Anpil men, chay pa lou,” or “With many hands, the load is not heavy.” With so many devoted directors reinforcing the work of their colleagues, the task of providing quality education in Haiti became a little bit lighter.

School Directors in focus group 3 pose for a picture
School Directors in focus group 3 pose for a picture
Entire group of School Directors
Entire group of School Directors
Program Assistant, Paula Prince, leading one of the focus groups
Program Assistant, Paula Prince, leading one of the focus groups

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